Friday, November 23, 2012

What's The Purpose Of Part 2 ?

Part two tells what happened when Okonkwo was being exiled, he was in exile for seven years. Another purpose is how when he was in exile his village was bad and how they had to start over. It also shared with us how he reacted while he was in exile. I'm kind of glad the author did not skip this part because if he would have, once we got to part three it would tell about when he came back and then we would be missing what happened while he was in exile. If the author would have skipped this part the book wouldn't make since once we got to part three. If he would have skipped it would there even be a part three? I really don't think so because if he wouldn't have talked about anything while he was in exile it would've just skipped all the way to part three which would eventually become part 2 and that would be the end of the book. So I am glad he talked about this subject.

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