Thursday, November 22, 2012


They had this tradition like thing were if the woman had twins they would not keep them. Twins were put in earthenware pots and thrown away in the forest. I myself think that this is wrong because kids are more of a thankful thing and you shouldn't just throw twins away just because its a set of two. If you are just gonna throw them away then don't have them because someone else might want them and they may not be able to have kids for a genetic reason or just a health reason. And the hurtful thing is that people today have kids and get abortions because they don't want them, but its many people out here in this world who want kids but can not have them and you have people who have kids but they die right after the birth. You do not know how they feel, they could get depressed easily. But its somewhat a lot of young females having kids and getting abortions because they do not wanna take care of it.

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